
Plugin: mdao2

Ripping fluid layer consisting of 30 million argon atoms in vacuum.Data set courtesy of the Chair of Thermodynamics and Energy Technology of University of Paderborn.
Ripping fluid layer consisting of 30 million argon atoms in vacuum.Data set courtesy of the Chair of Thermodynamics and Energy Technology of University of Paderborn.

Plugin: OSPRay

Integration of the CPU ray tracing library OSPRay. Advanced lighting algorithms, such as ambient occulusion improve the impression of deph. A very good example is the here shown virus capsid.
Integration of the CPU ray tracing library OSPRay. Advanced lighting algorithms, such as ambient occulusion improve the impression of deph. A very good example is the here shown virus capsid.
Integration of the CPU ray tracing library OSPRay. Visualization of very large data sets. OSPRay uses data directly out of memory.
Integration of the CPU ray tracing library OSPRay. Visualization of very large data sets. OSPRay uses data directly out of memory.

Plugin: Mesh

The Mesh plugin offers a set of modules and helper classes for modern (OpenGL 4.3+) rendering of mesh data. It is designed for efficient rendering of mesh data and not for ellaborate mesh manipulations (or user comfort).
The Mesh plugin offers a set of modules and helper classes for modern (OpenGL 4.3+) rendering of mesh data. It is designed for efficient rendering of mesh data and not for ellaborate mesh manipulations (or user comfort).
Modules and classes are designed with the single responsibility principle in mind. Therefore functionality might be split more aggressively than in other MegaMol plugins.
Modules and classes are designed with the single responsibility principle in mind. Therefore functionality might be split more aggressively than in other MegaMol plugins.

Plugin: Cinematic

This plugin allows the video rendering (separate image file per frame) of any rendering output in MegaMol. By defining fixed keyframes for desired camera positions and specific animation times, arbitrary tracking shots can be created.
This plugin allows the video rendering (separate image file per frame) of any rendering output in MegaMol. By defining fixed keyframes for desired camera positions and specific animation times, arbitrary tracking shots can be created.
This plugin provides the modules KeyframeKeeper, TrackingshotRenderer, CinematicView, TimeLineRenderer and ReplacementRenderer.
This plugin provides the modules KeyframeKeeper, TrackingshotRenderer, CinematicView, TimeLineRenderer and ReplacementRenderer.